Covid-19 Information and Uploads

Testing Requirements

Camp Romimu’s number one priority is dedicated to insuring the health and safety of every camper and staff member. While we are all in the hands of HaKadosh Boruch Hu, we will be implementing specific measures to help protect everyone from COVID-19. Please read the instructions carefully. We need everyone’s cooperation for us to have a smooth transition into the summer.


Cleaning and Disinfecting

Sanitizing Camp Romimu on a regular basis will be a high priority. Camp Romimu’s cleaning staff will be disinfecting and cleaning all bunkhouses and public areas. In addition, there will be hand sanitizing stations throughout the camp for campers and staff. Staff will supervise campers as to proper handwashing procedures and that hand sanitizers are to be used regularly.


Testing and Monitoring - Please Read Carefully

  • All test results must be uploaded to

  • All campers and staff must test for the presence of antibodies via an EAU-approved serology (blood) test with a specificity of at least 99.5 or higher. The documented results of this test must be submitted to Camp Romimu by July 21st. This form must be submitted even if the results are negative. If the test results are positive, you will not need any further testing.

  • For those coming second trip only, submit the form by July 21st.

  • If the antibody test results are negative, an antigen test is necessary to check for presence of COVID-19. The test results should be uploaded to the camp website.

    There are two types of swabs. The PCR swab which takes a week to get results and the antigen swab which is a rapid test (results in 15 minutes). We are requiring all campers and staff to do the antigen rapid test  on Friday, July 24th or Sunday, July 26th.  Anyone coming to camp with private drop-off will get tested on Monday in camp. Antigen rapid tests and antibody tests are available in Flatbush and in the Catskills as follows. Please send them an email to make an appointment:

Pediatric Associates

Dr. Lazar and Dr Abberbock

1421 East 2nd Street

Brooklyn, NY 11239

718 645 7337

[email protected]



Upstate Pediatric Associates

Dr. Lazar and Dr Abberbock

5690 Route 42

Fallsburg, NY 12733

718 645 7337

[email protected]


  • Campers arriving 1st trip: PCR test must be taken no earlier than July 1st.

  • Staff arriving 1st trip: PCR test must be taken no earlier than July 1st.

  • Campers and Staff coming second trip only: Antigen tests on July 24th or 26th.

  • All campers and staff with negative antibodies and negative antigen test must adhere to careful social distancing from the time of the COVID-19 test until they go to Camp Romimu. Social distancing means that all members of the family will restrict their excursions to essential trips only. All excursions out of the house should be with masks and gloves and six-foot social distancing. Boys should not be socially interacting with friends during this time.

  • All campers and staff must submit the attached COVID-19 and PMIS Liability Waiver Form.

  • All campers and staff must complete their COVID-19 Medical History. The history will identify any medical conditions indicating a higher risk for complications and adverse outcome secondary to COVID-19. Camper or staff considered at higher risk will not be permitted to come to camp. This form must be submitted by July 21st.

  • Campers and staff will have daily monitoring and temperature checks to look for signs of COVID-19 or PMIS (Kawasaki-like syndrome)


In summary the following forms are required:

For those who are antibody positive:

  • Antibody Test Results

  • Liability Waiver Form


For those who are antibody negative:

  • COVID-19 Medical History Form

  • Antibody Test Results

  • Liability Waiver Form

  • PCR Nasal Swab Test Results

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Sanitizing Camp Romimu on a regular basis will be a high priority. Camp Romimu’s cleaning staff will be disinfecting and cleaning all bunkhouses and public areas. In addition, there will be hand sanitizing stations throughout the camp for campers and staff. Staff will supervise campers as to proper handwashing procedures and that hand sanitizers are to be used regularly. Boys will be monitored daily with temperature checks and our staff is trained to monitor for signs of COVID-19 and PMIS. Boys are required to bring face masks to camp to use when necessary. We will have soap or hand sanitizers for the boys in the bunkhouse and in public areas. Any outside trips will only be to places that the camp has rented out exclusively and will be cleaned and sanitized before we arrive.



We are going to keep our campers and staff as protected as possible. We are canceling visiting days for both trips. Trips will only be to places that are rented out exclusively to our camp and have been cleaned and sanitized before arrival. Campers and staff will be allowed to leave camp only for limited purposes and with careful social distancing. If you have a special family situation, please contact the office. There will be a guard at the front gate to turn away any visitors that have not been pre-cleared by camp. Please do not put us in any uncomfortable situations.


We are looking forward to enjoying all the special activities, events and ruach that are part of a memorable Romimu summer. Our campers need a place where they can enjoy the great outdoors, be active, be in an environment of Torah and Ruach and create magical moments – all with their friends and Romimu family. We look forward to partnering with you to make this a wonderful and safe summer.


All forms should be sent to the office via one of the following methods: