
Gimmel Power!
The amazing program for boys coming out of 7th Grade

Get ready for the summer of a lifetime! You waited and waited for that special summer. And now it is here! You have made it to …. Gimmel Power!!!!!!

Gimmel campers will enjoy fun-filled days geared to the older camper. They daven in a separate teenage shul, enjoy special trips and events, and bask in the privileges of older campers. The optional wilderness trips are another exciting aspect of Gimmel. Campers challenge themselves with rock scrambles up to scenic mountain peaks and enjoy breathtaking views as they reach new heights, explore caves and fascinating rock formations.


  • Exciting Wilderness Program
  • Rock Scrambles: Overnight Camping Trips
  • Special ‘Gimmel Only’ Trips
  • Night Leagues
  • Night Canteen
  • Later Curfews
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Special Gimmel Trips

In addition to the fabulous Wilderness Program, Gimmel campers enjoy trips designed exclusively for them. Last summer’s ice skating trip was a huge success. Campers and staff enjoyed the time to be together – just their division alone. Friendships were cemented and tons of fun was had by all. As a Gimmel camper explained, ‘’We do this because we’re in the best camp – Camp Romimu and the best division- Gimmel.” Stay tuned for information about the exciting trips planned for this summer that are part of the super Gimmel experience!

Gimmel Reaches New Heights in Camp Romimu

Gimmel doesn’t only have fun outside of Camp Romimu. They love the relaxed, fun environment in Camp Romirnu as well. Our division head always has a plan up his sleeve to make each day special. Last year’s cardboard boat race in our magnificent lake was just one of the many popular events of the summer. Night leagues, late curfews and, of course, night canteen are some of the many privileges extended to our Girnmel campers. And of course Gimmel is always happy to join Elyon in their brand new Beis Medrash. The davening and ruach are befitting the bar mitzvah aged bochur. The cool air conditioning of the Beis Medrash, the stunning architecture and the beautifully designed interior are sure hits with all our Gimmel campers. Gimmel Power is growing. We can’t wait for you to be a part of it!! !

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