What do parents say?

What do kids say?


Dear Rabbi Pfeiffer,

Words cannot express our sincere hakaras hatov for you giving Y. a spot in camp (with the long wait list).

We don't know why you chose him. We have a theory that you hold a few spots for boys that you feel you can make a huge difference for.

Whether our theory is true or not, Y. definitely qualifies as a boy who can say that you made a huge impact in his life - and we are so grateful.

Moving a 13 year old boy to a new country is huge - he left his entire life, as he knows it, far behind.

Having the opportunity to go straight to sleepaway camp - have an amazing time - and have a few weeks to disconnect from his reality - was such a chesed for him. The perfect cushion. The perfect landing.

He told us that we sent him to "the best camp in the word"!

Hashem should give you brachah until 120 to continue providing a wonderful program to these boys.

We always say that the right camp can shape the whole year for a child. You have set the table for Y. to continue acclimating and we are so grateful that he is officially part of the Romimu family.

All the best,


Today, the day Y. started school, I felt was the perfect day to send my sincere thank you -  to you, and the rest of the camp staff.  Thank you for providing Y. with a wholesome summer experience, it was exactly what my husband and I were wishing for him, and he got it, and more.  Although camp is behind him, I am sure he will carry these great memories with him all year long.

Y. had a great time in camp BH.  Not only was this his first time away at an overnight camp, first time away from family for a month, he also went without any friends. I am so happy we chose to make all these firsts for him at Camp Romimu, it was the perfect environment for him to feel welcomed and included.  Within days he felt like part of the Camp Romimu family.  He had an amazing summer experience.  He loved every single activity.  When I asked him if there was anything he did not like, he could not identify a single thing.  From the food to water activities, sports, trips, the ruach, all of it, from a to z, Camp Romimu hit the spot for him.  Being known around camp as ..... made him feel special and unique, what else can a parent ask for?

I think you have just earned yourself another camper for life.

Wishing you and your family a shana tovah, a gmar chatima tovah, a year of health, success and only good things.

Looking forward to Romimu 2023 iyh!


Rabbi Pfeiffer,

Having all our kids back home BH we are so grateful for the summer you work all year long to provide for the boys. Y. got off the bus with the biggest smile, looking tanned, having kh grown and he just radiated the Romimu happiness you and your wife, family and staff have given him for the last 2 months. No words can thank you properly so I hope you understand the words thank you are simple but the meaning is not. The hakaras hatov is endless!!! Thank you for having our M. and returning him to us if possible an even better more energized and refreshed, grown young adult.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and please allow us to wish you an early gut gebentched yuhr as we are already approaching Elul.
Already looking forward to Romimu 2023.
Thank you again


Y. had an amazing summer Bh! His counselors were warm and caring and it was so nice to know he was happy and well cared for the whole summer. We’re so happy Y. feels comfortable approaching any staff or head staff member to discuss any issues or problems that occur and everything is always dealt with right away and with kindness. So happy he spends his summer with people who do their best to give the boys the most amazing, happy summer every year!

Mr. and Mrs. K.

Specifically but not exclusively Rabbi Pfeiffer and his entire staff.


That’s it! No request , no complaint, no suggestion of something I think can be improved.

We ask a lot from you, and you always exceed our expectations.

Continued hatzlacha.

Dr. and Mrs. C.

Hope you are well and somewhat recovered from a hectic summer for you.

I just wanted to personally thank you for everything you have done for our son this entire year and this past summer. I know there were some slight bumps in the road this year, but it all turned out so amazing in the end…BH. Not only was our son able to learn some valuable life lessons before camp, but he had such an awesome time in camp as well. He still can’t stop talking about it….like I am sure all the campers.

But it’s really more than just having a great time in camp….its the “chinuch” and great hashkafa that you instill into every camper that really stands out. It’s not all about the trips, sports, and fun…it’s about showing respect to Gedolim, learning, davening, singing and overall growth as a Ben Torah. For that I am most thankful. Our son not only had a great time, he really grew as a person… and its super clear to us.

I wish you and your family a K’seiva Vachasima Tova and a year full of health, happiness and success.

All the very best.

Mr. & Mrs. M.

A gutten erev shabbos,

Hope you and your family are doing well.

Thank you so much for the nightly learning you do with the boys. This hakaros hatov is long overdue. Binyomin looks forward to the zoom every night and it has increased his appreciation for learning as well as you as a director and Camp Romimu in general. It’s really special.

With much gratitude and appreciation,


Dear Rabbi Pfeiffer,

I think it was this year when Rabbi Krohn spoke at one of the staff onegs. He was talking about the camp counselor experience. Firstly, he said how camp is a great kosher way to recharge from the year - which camp definitely does for me - but secondly and more importantly, how the skills and experiences you gain from being a counselor will benefit you for life. At that point I didn’t understand the gravity of his second statement but now as this year passes I’ve been able to digest some of my summer experience and what I learnt. I think I'm beginning to understand what he said.

So I would like to express Hakaras Hatov to Rebbe for enabling this summer where I grew in countless areas. I would like to share some specific lessons that I took out of this summer. To begin I learnt numerous things about the world of Chinuch and about the patience and care that it requires. I learnt how to deal with “odd” situations and to improvise and make the best out of bad one. I learnt how much a simple smile or quick hello can mean for someone. I learnt to put others before me and help them with their challenges and to get nachas when they succeed and grow. Some of this growth might have only been possible to happen in camp.

Another point I would like to thank Rebbe for is the relationships that I was able
to have in camp including having a Kesher with a lot of the head staff, having them as teachers through the summer. One that stands out to me is my relationship with Rabbi Silverman. We are still in touch these days and throughout this year we had a chavrusa shaft. He has taught me about things in many aspects of my life. Many of these relationships would not have been possible except in a camp environment, especially one like Romimu. So, thank you Rebbe for giving me the medium for my growth through the responsibility you gave me. I don’t want to write a whole long list of what I’m thankful to Rebbe for because to write it quantifies and cheapens it. So thank you for everything.

With much Hakaras Hatov,

A Counselor


Shmuel returned home from camp brown as lightly toasted almonds, happy as a lark and full of stories about his month in camp. He really enjoyed making new friends, including boys from Chicago, Belgium,the Special Needs bunk and counselors that are quite a bit older than him! He loved the sports, and so many of the activities but he told Aaron his favorite time was Shabbos as it was so lebedig!

Thank you so much!

Mr. & Mrs. R.

Dear Rabbi and Mrs Pfeiffer,

We wanted to thank you for the wonderful time our son had at Romimu this summer.

Being a day camp director, I have (only) a glimpse of what you must do – but I realize how much time and effort you put into making sure the boys have the best time possible. Our son had an amazing experience and seems to have enjoyed every minute of it. As parents we felt at ease knowing how well run Camp Romimu is.

Wishing you a successful rest of the summer.

Much thanks.

Ps- we wanted to share a funny story:
On visiting day Binyomin (a former Romimu camper) pointed to a building and said ‘oh, there’s the Shul’ to which our son said, “Tatty, that’s the game room- not the shul!” Binyomin couldn’t believe the amazing changes that were done to the camp since he was there :).

Mr. and Mrs. S.

When we visited Rabbi Feiner yesterday and stood in line for a bracha, he announced loudly to the waiting line that Yitzy should be zocheh to continue doing what he’s doing, that erev Shabbos he’s seen him in the beis medrash of the shul shteyging. Yitzy felt very good. Thank you for encouraging your campers with prizes to learn all year – it is helping to forge their identities as bnei Torah.

Likras Shabbos Parents


I picked up Yosef from the bus today. Immediately he showed me his Sefer that he won from being in the “learning honor roll.” I started to cry. Rabbi, my Yosef is classified as learning disabled and language disabled with dyslexia. He told me before camp, “Yeshiva is not for me because I’m not the learning type.”

He has been with so many tutors for both English and Gemara. When I received the post card I put in my Tehillim Sefer. Yosef is now so proud! He asked when he came home about purchasing his Tefellin for his Bar Mitzvah!

Chazday Hashem. Miracles do happen and prayers do get answered. Thank you Rabbi for helping us. May Hashem bless the Rabbi with everything good. And many many thanks.

Mrs. E.

Dear Rabbi Pfeiffer (and the rest of the hard working Romimu staff!!),

This email should have been sent Monday night, but been busy with lotttssss of laundry…
We wanted to thank you for the most wonderful summer. There was truly something very special about this year. Every time we spoke to the boys we heard the happiness in their voices. They loved their counselors, (Shmuel doesn’t stop talking about Eli Feldman, his first month counselor. He LOVED him) The leagues were great (and they each won a championship!) the night activities were exciting, the grand trip sounded unbelievable, they couldn’t stop telling me the details, and the red team circus that both boys got to be in were just some of the highlights for them!!
I overheard them discussing when they will each be able to join the 5 year club and the 10 year club..iyh it seems they are VERY much looking forward to next year already!! 
One very special thing I noticed, when I came to pick them up, it was just so nice to see C. coming out of his bunk house with some friends, all of them helping him with his luggage!
They truly felt like it was home away from home and they keep telling us how much they miss camp!!
Thank you so much for all your hard work and iyh you will see them on Torah twilight this year!

Good Shabbos!


Rabbi Pfeiffer,

We're coming down off the high of visiting day, and we wanted to take this opportunity to send you a thank you while the feelings are still fresh. The gadlus of Camp Romimu has long been described to us, but as first time camp parents, we didn't realize what we were in for. Yes, the grounds are as gorgeous as everyone says they are, the counselors are as geshmak and the sports are as fun. But what really made an impact on us was the incredible organization and efficiency of the whole camp. It was a beautiful thing to see--from the personalized emails giving us our son's counselor names and banking information, to the lack of traffic in the parking lot- none of these things are glamorous, but they're what show us clearly that our son (our bechor, who has never been away from home for more than a night) is in a place where he is being taken care of. The attentiveness of Rabbi Kuessous and Rabbi Feldman have been incredible as well- helping our son navigate a new situation and showing him that things can turn out great even if there are bumps in the road.

We have endless hakoras hatov to you and to the Romimu family. Thank you!


Rabbi and Mrs. Pfeiffer,

We just wanted to thank you for another incredible summer for our son,  E. It’s so comforting to know that E. was in such a wonderfully run and planned camp where he was able to grow in learning and still have fun. We are blown away by the experiences you provide these boys and we are grateful for all your hard work. We also were so impressed with Rabbi Heber who was always reachable and helpful. His emails were such a nice extra touch too!

Wishing you continued strength!

Looking forward to next summer, BeH!

P.S. No joke, E. is already asking about Torah Twilight… no pressure!


My son had the best summer of his life!!! It gave him the opportunity to shine and feel good about himself, which he usually struggles with during the school year. Thank you so much for instilling him with confidence and happiness that will give him a boost to start off the new school year!


Rabbi Pfeiffer,

We are so appreciative of your devotion to teaching the boys every night. It is the highlight of Shloimy’s evening and he won’t miss it for anything.

It also teaches them the chashivus of kvias itim, never missing an opportunity to learn.

The shabbos in camp was a real treat and for a boy who was never away from home it was a very positive first experience.

Hashem will repay you for all that you do, we are just expressing our tremendous hakaras hatov.

Looking forward to the summer and many future Torah twilight sessions.

A & NP.

Dear Rabbi Pfeiffer,

A short story that I just had to share with you….

The other morning I got in the car with Moshe to drive him to school. The car was a little chilly. As he buckled up, he said, “Ooh it’s cold in here… you know what that means!”
I honestly didn’t know what he was referring to… I thought maybe he’s thinking about his birthday which is in December… so I asked him what it means, and he said, “when it starts to get cold in the car in the morning, that means it getting closer to winter, which means its almost spring, and then comes summer when we go back to Romimu!”

It brought a big smile to my face, knowing how much my boys love their summers at camp and how they are looking forward to going back imyH.

Have a great day.


I know that you put in crazy effort all year long to make this summer happen and we don’t take that lightly. All kids had a very rough and scary year and a summer without camp would’ve really scarred them. Not only did you give them camp , you managed to pull off an amazing summer even though it was “just a Day Camp”. I cannot tell you how much all the parents appreciate it and thank you so so much . Thank you again for another amazing summer.


Dear Rabbi and Mrs. Pfeiffer,

As this camping season draws to a close, I feel compelled – this year- more than ever before to express our heartfelt gratitude for an amazing season! We are well aware that your fight to provide our boys with overnight camp is a mission and a calling- and that opening for the 2020 season with all its limitations was surely not for transactional gain. Your commitment to the boys and parents during the most uncertain times these past few months is noted and so greatly appreciated. We have entrusted our sons to Camp Romimu for over ten years- but this year more than ever before, we felt so secure in our choice.

During the lockdown in the spring, E… literally “hung in there”. His singular goal, like that of so many of his peers, was to return to camp. I never once observed him sad- despite being confined to the house, despite being forced to take up minor housekeeping chores when we could not allow anyone in- he took it all in stride … until the e-mails arrived suggesting that camp would not be opening. He enjoyed the experience of being away in Rhode Island with various yeshivas but did not fully exhale until he was back on Romimu’s campus. And, we – his parents, uttered silent prayers each morning – that the kids should all stay healthy and camp should run – business as usual.

E… is on his way back home to Baltimore – having enjoyed every second of his much needed time away. We, his parents relaxed this month knowing that he was safe, happy, and actively engaged with his peers in fun, wholesome activities. In opening camp, you not only provided for our son, you gifted us (or at least me) with the ability to recover on so many levels from a most challenging spring. In COVID times/ summer 2020, there could be no greater gift. Thank you.

For all your “askanus” on behalf of the camping world- in the spring, thank you. For all your efforts during this exhausting and no doubt, emotionally draining, tension fraught season- thank you. HKBH “Yeshaleim S’charchem”. May HKBH grant you and your family continued strength.

Wishing you Shana Tovah U’mesukah- filled with health and happiness.

We look forward to the camping season 2021!

Grateful Parents

I just wanted to say thank you! My son went to camp Romimu for the 1st time this
summer. He is the 1st one of his siblings to go to Romimu. We went in without knowing much about camp, aside from word of mouth and we were beyond pleased. Yehoshua didn’t want to go to camp at all, he knew only one boy going and would have been happy to stay home. I have to say…he was so surprised that he even liked camp. He told me that I can register him for next summer!!

You guys did an amazing job and I really appreciate that he had a great summer.
From the call from the camp mother before camp began, to my conversation with the nurse (due to allergies) to speaking to his counselor…I was amazed at all the detail that went into just one camper.
So again, we thank you for an great summer and hope that Yehoshua’s younger brothers follow in his footstep.
Wishing you an enjoyable rest of the summer.

Mr. & Mrs. M.

I would like to again let you know how much of a pleasure it was hosting both of the groups that you brought to FreeFall Tampoline Park. They were honestly the most polite, well behave group of young gentlemen that we have had here. When my staff came to work the second night you came to our park they were beyond excited to hear that it was your group coming again. We look forward to seeing you in the future.

Michael R. Badway, Owner FreeFall Trampoline Park

Rabbi Pfeifer,

It was wonderful seeing you yesterday and spending yet another year at Camp Romimu…

As you know, we have spent many a summer at Camp Romimu, and always leave the camp with such wonderful impressions. The camp certainly boasts a superior staff and we have both benefitted from that staff as campers, and contributed to that, as staff members ourselves….. But I just wanted to say what an EXTRAORDINARY” impression Moshe Dovid made on us … we have never met him before, and his level of maturity and warmth was really special and deserves a “special mention”. One can see that he has a superior upbringing, and exemplary middos. While he displays an easy going manner, one can see that he is in full control. We are truly fortunate that he was chosen to be Eli’s counselor this year. Thank you for pairing them up. He can certainly be a terrific role model for the boys.

I cannot copy Rabbi Kuessous or the division head from this email, but please share this with whoever would want to see this.

With much appreciation,

Mr. & Mrs. W.

Dear Rabbi and Mrs. Pfeiffer,

I just wanted to let you know that both my boys had an absolutely wonderful time in Camp Romimu this summer. Shloimie rated his experience “for sure a ten out of ten” and can’t wait to return to camp next summer. Both Shloimie and Yisroel speak very highly of their counselors, JCs and learning rebbeim.

My husband and I are very appreciative for all your dedication and hard work. It means a lot to us to have such an enjoyable, wholesome summer experience available for our sons.

Thank you.

Mr. & Mrs. K.

Dear Rabbi Pfeiffer, 

We tried to find you today, but we didn't see you. We wanted to thank you for the wonderful first part of second half so far. 

 B. and A. are having a great time and they both sound incredibly happy—Baruch Hashem!

Words cannot adequately convey our appreciation for the tremendous effort you put into running the camp. You do an amazing job!

We are extremely thankful for the wholesome and enriching experience you provide for our boys.

Also, thank you for giving B. a ride on the golf cart the other day. It meant the world to him and made him feel like a million dollars.

Wishing you continued success and Hatzlocha with the rest of the second half.

All the best,

Mr. and Mrs. C

Dear Rabbi Pfeifer, 

I told S. I was writing you.  He didn't want me to, but hakaras hatov is not negotiable.

This is a long overdue thank you, that now has become a double thank you.  This was S. first year in Romimu, and it was clear from the first moment that this was the right place for him.  S. is a great kid. It usually takes people time to realize how great he is.  S. was made talmid hashavua his first week there.  One of the first times I spoke to him, he was hoarse from singing zemiros.  This is the environment we wanted for him.  One where he gets excited and inspired to reach higher in ruchniyus.  Where those boys who do are celebrated. Romimu provided him with the best in everything.  He came home positive he wanted to go back for another summer.

I have been meaning to write since the day he came home to think you for giving S. the opportunity to be a part of Romimu this past summer,  and for making it such a special place.

Tonight, S. signed on to his first of what I believe will be many Torah at Twilight sessions. He has been looking forward to being a part of this since he came home from camp.  He willingly adjusted his schedule to give up time to sign on.  For learning!! After a full day of school!! Excited!!  

Wow.  Now I owe you another thank you. Thank you so much for the time you invest, the Torah you teach them and all of the hype.  It's clear that you understand boys and you know how to motivate them.  As a Rebbi, I understand that not everyone can do what you do.  It is a talent and a chochmah.  

May Hashem grant you the strength to keep doing what you do, continuing to mold and inspire future generations for many years to come.



A. had a beyond incredible experience BH!! Camp Romimu is the highlight of his life!

A huge thank you to Rabbi Pfeiffer and the entire staff! Have a ksiva vachasima tova and an excellent year!

Counting down the days until next summer iyh!!

Mr. and Mrs. F.

L'chvod Rabbi Pfeiffer,

It's Erev Succos very hectic in our home b"h. It must be very hectic  in your home as well. Nevertheless  Shloimy  is on the computer  with a bowl of his Mommy's fresh potato kugel. Two humble  words - Thank You!! Torah learning never stops and you have taken the incredible achrayus to make sure that our yingel and hundreds  of others can learn Torah every day. Torah@Twilight  is certainly  a highlight for Shloimy. What a zechus for klal Yisrael. A huge yasher koach. May we be  zoche to share lots of nachas as we watch Shloimy  shteig in his passion  for Torah learning.
Good Yom Tov,
Proud Torah@Twilight Parents

Rabbi Pfeiffer , We would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart for giving Yosef an amazing summer. The summer and growth Yosef had in every area is nothing short of amazing. In today’s world to put together the perfect balance of life goals, ruchni and fun is not easy task. The staff top to bottom blew away all expectations!! from his counselors to Rabbi Heber and all in between. Again we just wanted to take the time to reach out and say how much it’s appreciated. Have a wonderful shabbos and a gut gebeched yur!

Mr. &Mrs. K

I just wanted to thank you for the most unbelievable summer that my son had. He was a little hesitant and nervous to go as he has never been in a sleepaway camp environment before. There are no words to describe how much he enjoyed every aspect of the camp. He felt the warmth, fun, and excitement on a daily basis. The trips and extra activities for the boys shows how much the staff went out of their way to make this summer so amazing. Thank you for going above and beyond to ensure that the kids were able to have such a great outlet!
We truly appreciate all of your hard work!


Hi Rabbi Pfeiffer,

I can't reiterate enough how thankful we are to you.

Bh encouraging and sending Binyomin to camp this summer was a smart decision and the best thing that happened to him - thanks to you and your wonderful staff.

I never thought I would hear him say on his own "I want to go back to camp". He has been enthusiastically waiting for Torah Twilight to begin. As a mother I'm so happy to see him have things to look forward to.

Each time you greeted him in camp or spoke to him you made him feel like a million dollars.

Thank you again and we are so happy to be part of the Camp Romimu family.

With a lot of appreciation,


B. had his best summer yet! He loved the leagues and the trips were phenomenal. Special thanks to Rabbi Pfeiffer for learning with B. and giving him special individualized attention. B. already started counting down for next summer.

Wishing you a happy healthy year,


Hi Rabbi Pfeiffer,

I want to personally thank you for arranging such a wonderful experience for A. and all the boys. I appreciate that you made a special effort to make
sure A. felt comfortable by introducing him to your family and the Rabbi's
that were there. 

Looking forward to the summer!

Thanks again.


Wow! A chasunah! An airport last week! Your dedication to Torah@Twilight doesn’t go unnoticed! We have pics of Yitzi logged in random places too… we get such nachas from seeing how devoted he is bH!

Thank you for doing what you do… in the summer and all year long!!

All the best,


Hey Rebbe,

I am reaching out as a teenage boy, a teenage boy who was not able to have fun and hang out with his friends for almost 4 months. A boy who wan’t able to be as active and social as I could’ve been without this pandemic. A boy who was scared that he wouldn’t be able to enjoy the summer in camp with his friends. But I’m also reaching out to say thank you, for all the time and effort, hours upon hours, blood, sweat, and tears that you put into making sure this camp opens so hundreds of boys can have an amazing camp experience. Now I will be a teenage boy along with young boys and young adults who will be able to have a summer of a lifetime in camp. I can’t wait to be with my family, my home, Camp Romimu.

-A Thankful Camper

I witnessed something uplifting last night that I must share. After a Shabbos in Far Rockaway, … the owner of Camp Romimu was kind enough to let me hitch a ride back to Flatbush with my 2 year old son [on the bus to the Romimu Reunion].

On a bus filled with 10-15 year old boys I thought I’d be surrounded by talk about things like sports. So I was pleasantly surprised to hear a group of kids very involved in a lively discussion about gemora, rashi and tosfos. It was fun for me to hear and enjoy that these kids are steeped in Torah. Well done Camp Romimu! Our kids have a bright future.

A Guest on the Romimu Reunion Bus

I just got this email and I wanted to a take a minute and tell you that in trying times like this it is very nice to see how you and the Romimu mishpacha are being considerate to other people’s situation and doing whatever you can to help alleviate some of the pressures and stress that the Corina virus is causing.

I applaud you and thank you. Chesed and Massim Tovim will help us get through ALL.

מי כעמך ישראל

Thank you,

Proud Camp Romimu Parents

Good morning Rabbi Pfeiffer,

My son and I got the package from you with all the goodies from the reunion he was smiling from ear to ear ( so was I ) we watched it together and just smiled till the end where I was crying seeing the tears roll down when they were singing the Alma mater…… I remember as clear as day singing ….oh camp romimu….how I miss you ….you have earned a place in my heart …. Rabbi I can sing them all it was really so nice to watch with him and see all the wow things you have made to the camp and see some of our good oltimes like the 2 day trip and all the incredible achdus and fun camp romimu really has. Anyway I just realized I’m writing a ty note that turned into me reminiscing all about my time in camp lololl what shall I say…….. Thank you so much for going out of your way to send those items for Chaim we are really thankful have a wonderful amazing day

Humbled grateful and thankful

Baruch M….

One more thing before I go. 2 years ago my son Nossi went to your camp too. He plays ball 24/7 so your camp is perfect for him.

We decided to send him to Mercaz Hatorah, in Israel, hoping they would motivate him to become a ben Torah. For 4 years in high school it was sports all day. So I was hoping Eretz Yisroel would change that.

A few weeks before he left he called me from camp and said “Dad, just wanted you to know that I learn night Seder every night in camp." I told him stop joking around, you never learned night Seder during the year.

He said Rabbi Pfeiffer offered $20 a night, so I went for it . And guess what Dad, I love it.

I was dumbfounded. He loves learning? In camp? To make a long story short, he finished camp learning strong, went to Israel and didn’t stop. I mean didn’t stop. It’s been almost 2 years now and his Rebbe said he probably is the best guy in the shiur. He even wrote a small Sefer. In fact, right now it’s bein hazmanim, and he’s in Rabbi Sherer's shul learning. It all started it Camp Romimu. Go figure. Just wanted to share that and express my Hakaras Hatov.

A Proud Romimu Parent

Dear Rabbi Pfeiffer,

I’m writing to thank you and your staff for an awesome summer at Camp Romimu! Aaron came home from camp and had so many fun and exciting experiences. He told us stories for days! He is now back in yeshiva learning and working hard. Being in your camp helped him reenergize for the upcoming school year. We can’t thank you enough for the fun-filled summer he had and for keeping him safe b”h. Have a wonderful year to you and your family!


Mr. and Mrs. L.