New Camper Form Department*Please SelectRabbi Shlomo PfeifferMrs. PfeifferOffice ManagerAdministrationLearning DirectorsDay Camp DirectorDivision HeadsInfirmaryCounselors & Junior CounselorsGeneral StaffPlease send administrative type of emails (bus info, billing questions, etc) to the office rather than to Rabbi Pfeiffer.*Please SelectRabbi Shlomo Pfeiffer - DirectorMrs. PfeifferOffice ManagerMrs. Pfeiffer*Please SelectMrs. L. PfeifferOffice Manager*Please SelectOffice ManagerPlease select a member of the administration you would like to contact.*Please SelectRabbi Armo Kuessous - Head CounselorRabbi Neriah Yakubov - Director of Day Camp ExtremeShmelky Halpert - Director of OperationsRabbi Binyomin Schwartz - Program DirectorPlease select a member of the learning directors you would like to contact.*Please SelectRabbi Avi Schwartz - Learning DirectorRabbi Ephraim Weller - Assistant Learning DirectorDay Camp Director*Please SelectRabbi Neriah YakubovPlease the division head you would like to contact.*Please SelectRabbi Yitzchok Kahn - Junior Division Head - Boys coming out of 2nd - 4th gradesRabbi Yaakov Feldman - Senior Aleph Division Head - Boys coming out of 5th gradeRabbi Moshe Dov Heber - Senior Bais Division Head - Boys coming out of 6th gradeRabbi Etan Tannenbaum - Senior Gimmel Division Head - Boys coming out of 7th gradeRabbi Shmulie Zilber - Elyon Division Head - Boys coming out of 8th gradeRabbi Avi Slansky - Camp Rom V'Nisah - Boys coming out of 9th and 10th gradesRabbi Moshe Brody - Camp Rom V'Nisah - Boys coming out of 9th and 10th gradesRabbi Eli Slansky - Camp Rom V'Nisah - Boys coming out of 9th and 10th gradesRabbi Shmuel Morgenbesser - Samach Beis DirectorInfirmary*Please SelectMrs. Freud, PA / Mrs. Harr, RNPlease select a member of the general staff you would like to contact.*Please SelectAdministrationDay Camp StaffLearning RebbiLifeguardSpecialtyBunk Number*Please Selectיי"אי"בי"גי"דט"וט"זי"זי"חי"טככ"אכ"בכ"גכ"דכ"הכ"וכ"זכ"חכ"טלל"אל"בל"גל"דל"הל"ול"זל"חל"טממ"אמ"במ"גמ"דמ"המ"ומ"זמ"חמ"טננ"אנ"בנ"גנ"דנ"הנ"ונ"זנ"חנ"טסס"אס"בס"גס"דס"הס"וס"זס"חס"טעRVN אRVN בRVN גRVN דRVN הRVN וRVN זRVN חRVN טRVN יRVN י"אRVN י"בRVN י"גRVN י"דRVN ט"וName* First Last Email* Best Phone Number to Reach Me*Message* Δ