Camp Romimu is excited to welcome the dynamic Rabbi Avi Slansky as Mashpia/Director of Camp Rom V’Nisah. Rabbi Slansky has been part of the Romimu family as a camper and staff member for many years. Most recently, he was the Mashpia of our 11th grade Adirim Program. He brought a tremendous level of excitement and geshmake to the ruach of the program.
Rabbi Slansky is a well-known mechanech, mechabir seforim and sought-after speaker.
- Rebbi in Mercaz HaTorah
- Magid shiur in The Mir, Aderes Hatorah and Derech HaChaim
- Mechabir of three seforim: Wine, Whisky & Halachah, Laws of Yichud and Laws of Challah & Hadlakas Neiros
- Magid shiur of daily Daf Yomi, with over 1000 listeners throughout the world
- Magid shiur of Halachah in Maalot Dafna
- Speaker with over 1,400 shiurim on TorahAnytime